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How to Calculate Downtime and Its Associated Costs

October 12, 2024

Mykola Breslavskyi


Mykola Breslavskyi



IT operations just don’t stop. IT downtime isn’t a minor hiccup – it has the potential to affect your business in every way, from revenue to customer trust. Any organization looking to be competitive and reliable needs to understand how to calculate downtime and its cost of IT downtime.

Serhii Puronen is a DevOps specialist with over a decade of experience in IT. He penned this article. Serhii is a Certified DevOps Software professional with deep practice in various aspects of development, system management, software configuration management (SCM), build/release management, and cloud computing on services such as AWS and GCP. He has extensive hands-on experience, including its criticality when it comes to minimizing IT downtime and the correct way of calculating its costs.

How Much Does IT Downtime Really Cost Your Company?

Consider this: Gartner says the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute, with some industries (finance and e-commerce, for example) running into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per hour. These aren't numbers, these are real losses that businesses have to deal with on a daily basis. For example, Amazon will lose millions of dollars of its revenue and risk losing customers if its Web shop is down for just a few minutes.

Additionally, according to a recent Dynatrace survey, more than half of the enterprises spend about 10 hours a year in downtime averaging hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars. The above statistics show that there is no time to waste and businesses must focus on uptime and reduce downtime.

It is important to keep systems up at a 2016 Ponemon Institute study found an average of $9,000 per minute.

What is Downtime?

Period of period during which IT systems, systems, applications, or services are unavailable or not functioning as they should. It's a silent productivity killer that can go unnoticed until it starts to affect business extremely. Downtime can stem from various sources:

System Errors: Almost anything that happens and isn’t related to someone bringing in their own laptop can be considered a system error.

Software Bugs: An application can crash or behave unpredictably because of software code flaws.

Cyberattacks: DDoS attacks cause systems to become inaccessible, there are security breaches.

Human Errors: System updates, configuration changes or maintenance can accidentally ground outages.

Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, floods and fires are examples of events which damage the IT infrastructure physically causing downtimes to exceed those imposed by scheduled maintenance.

How to Calculate Downtime

First steps in understanding the impact of downtime and preventing it are to calculate how much downtime you are incurring. Here’s a more detailed approach to calculating downtime:

Step 1: Identify Downtime Events

First track all downtimes. Log each downtime event using monitoring tools such as New Relic, Datadog, or Pingdom, and save the start and end times. It means knowing exactly as your systems are up and when they are down.

Step 2: Measure Duration

Calculate the total duration of each downtime event. The use of these durations over a month or a year gives you a full picture.

Step 3: Assess Frequency

Find out how much downtime happens over a particular span of time. Depending on how much they disrupt business operation and customer experience, frequent but short downtimes can be just as bad or be as bad as rare, but correspondingly long downtimes.

Step 4: Impact Assessment

Evaluate the impact of each downtime event on different aspects of your business:

  • Revenue Impact: What was the revenue lost during downtime?
  • Productivity Impact: How many employees couldn’t do their jobs?
  • Customer Impact: How many customers did you lose or the downtime adversely affected?

Step 5: Use Metrics and KPIs

Measure system reliability and repair efficiency using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) & Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).

What is the Cost of IT Downtime?

Direct Costs

Revenue Loss: Sales are not processed without systems in place. Even a short outage during peak shopping time for e commerce platforms can lead to a large revenue loss. Invesp, for example, ran a study that found that just one hour of downtime can cost online retailers $300,000 or more in lost sales.

Productivity Loss: Surprisingly, downtime has a negative effect on employee productivity. Also when systems are down, employees cannot do their part, causing delays in project timelines and lowering overall productivity. The average cost for a mid-sized company of downtime is $350,000 per year, or the equivalent of one the average CEO salaries, according to IDC.

Customer Dissatisfaction: Service should be seamless and absolutely promising customer experience. Downtime can erode trust and customers may well start to churn. Aberdeen Group report said 48 per cent of customers stop purchasing with a company after they have downtime.

Recovery Costs: Included are the costs associated with restoring systems following an outage. It can mean paying overtime to those on the IT team, hiring outside consultants, or spending on new infrastructure in order to avoid another downtime.

Indirect Costs

Reputational Damage: Downtimes, frequent or prolonged, can tarnish a company’s reputation. In time and resources rebuilding trust with customers takes, and it can hurt your long-term business prospects.

Opportunity Costs: Downtime can stop a business from embracing new opportunities. For example if a company did not have the system available then they might miss out on a new feature or new market that could grow large for them.

Regulatory Fines: When the industry you are in is finance and healthcare for example, down time can simply not be allowed to happen, or it can lead to non compliance of the regulations which comes with hefty fines and legal consequences.

How to Calculate the Cost of Downtime

Step 1: Determine Hourly Revenue

First off, you need to determine your business’s overall hourly rate. This in turn creates a yardstick for determining the immediate monetary loss due to disruption.

Formula: Hourly Revenue = Annual Revenue / Total Working Hours for the year

Example: Hourly Revenue = 1,000,000​/2,000 = $500

If your company earns $1,000,000 annually and operates 2,000 hours a year (assuming 40 hours a week for 50 weeks).

Step 2: Assess Productivity Loss

Estimate the potential number of employees you may lose and multiply this by the average hourly wage of a worker.

Formula: Productivity Loss = Number of Employees × Average Hourly Wage × Downtime Duration (hours)

Example: Productivity Loss = 50 × 30 × 2 = $3,000

In a case where 50 employees working on an average wage of $30 per hour are accosted by a 2 hour downtime.

Step 3: Evaluate Recovery Costs

Proper identification Most costs that are associated with addressing the downtime issue must be included. This can range from compensation for extra hours worked for the IT personnel, consultancy charges, and such things as purchase of new network, software among other things aimed at averting future mishaps.

Example: Handling a downtime event can cost $5000, it includes overtime for IT personnel and temporary solutions.

Step 4: Factor in Customer Impact

Just think about how many ruined customers, or lost sales due to the system being offline, a company may have to face. This can also hold expenses related with reimbursement of the clients impacted so as to assure them back into the company.

Example: If a downtime event leads to an average loss of $10,000 in sales and an additional $2,000 in customer compensation, the total customer impact is $12,000.

Step 5: Include Opportunity Costs

Overhead costs make up the space that is left idle for operations during their working time. This could have been delayed projects, lack of sales, inability to release new features on their due dates.

Example: If a project delayed by downtime could have generated $8,000 in revenue, the opportunity cost is $8,000.

Step 6: Calculate Total Quantifiable Reduction in Revenue

Add all the bulb elements above to get the total cost.

Formula: Total Cost of Downtime = Hourly Revenue Loss + Productivity Loss + Recovery Costs + Customer Impact + Opportunity Costs

  • Hourly Revenue Loss: 500 dollars per hour ×\times× 2 hours = 1000 dollars
  • Productivity Loss: $3,000
  • Recovery Costs: $5,000
  • Customer Impact: $12,000
  • Opportunity Costs: $8,000

Taking into account all of these factors, a 2 hours downtime is equivalent to $29,000 lost.

Tools and Technologies Helping Calculate Downtime Costs

Monitoring Tools

Tools such as New Relic, Datadog, Pingdom etc do not only record downtime incidents but also the statistics of those incidents.

Financial Analysis Software

Pricing software such as Tableau or Power BI can perform multiple downtimes at a go and even plot a trend analysis on costs over time.

Incident Management Systems

Software applications in use in organizations such as PagerDuty or ServiceNow are useful in logging and tracking of the downtime events and therefore providing good data in the calculation of the costs.

How to Minimize Downtime: DevOps Perspective on Reliable Infrastructure

Imagine losing thousands of dollars in revenue every hour your website is down. Now, imagine the impact on your brand reputation and customer trust. Downtime is a hidden cost that can cripple businesses. But with a robust DevOps strategy, you can mitigate these risks and ensure your applications are always available. Let's explore the high cost of downtime and how reliable infrastructure can save your business.

The Hidden Costs of Downtime: Question to DevOps

Beyond lost revenue, what other costs is your business incurring due to downtime?

Downtime leads to a ripple effect of costs, including:

  • Loss of customer trust and loyalty
  • Damage to your brand reputation
  • Increased customer support costs
  • Decreased employee productivity
  • Potential legal liabilities

How does downtime impact your competitive advantage?

Every minute of downtime is an opportunity for your competitors to gain market share. Negative reviews and word-of-mouth can further erode your competitive position.

Are you aware of the potential data loss risks associated with downtime?

Even brief outages can result in significant data loss. Data recovery can be costly and time-consuming, leading to business disruption.

How frequently does your business experience accessibility issues?

Even intermittent accessibility issues can negatively impact user experience and ultimately your bottom line.

Do you have a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) in place? How effective is it?

While having a DRP is essential, its effectiveness is often tested only during a real crisis. DevOps practices can automate recovery processes and make them more resilient via Kubernetes and other DevOps practicals.

What technologies are you currently using to monitor and manage your infrastructure?

Outdated technologies may not provide the level of reliability required in today's digital landscape. Modern DevOps tools in example Prometheus, Grafana, Opensearch engine enable proactive issue detection and resolution.

How would you rate the overall reliability of your IT infrastructure?

If you're unsure, this may indicate that your infrastructure could benefit from improvements.

Are you open to investing in technologies that can make your business more resilient to outages?

Investing in DevOps is not an expense; it's an investment in your business's future.

Quantifying the impact of downtime is crucial for demonstrating the value of investing in robust IT infrastructure and DevOps practices. By calculating the direct and indirect costs associated with downtime, businesses can make data-driven decisions to improve system reliability. Key metrics to consider include lost revenue, customer churn, reputation damage, and productivity losses. Real-world case studies can effectively illustrate the financial consequences of outages. DevOps practices, such as automation, collaboration, and continuous monitoring, can help prevent downtime and improve overall system reliability. By calculating the return on investment (ROI) of DevOps initiatives, businesses can demonstrate the positive impact on their bottom line. Ultimately, quantifying the impact of downtime is essential for convincing stakeholders to invest in the necessary resources to build resilient and reliable systems.

How Reliability Impacts Customer Satisfaction

Let's expand on this idea and add a few more interesting aspects that highlight the importance of reliability for businesses:

Let's look at this issue more broadly: Reliability is not just the absence of failures. It's predictability, stability, and the guarantee that your product or service will be available to the customer when they need it. It's like a promise your business makes to the customer. And when that promise is broken, trust is destroyed.

Now imagine: Your customer, disappointed by the first negative experience, decides to try a competitor. And what do they see there? A fast website, easy navigation, uninterrupted operation. Will they come back to you after that? Most likely not.

Why is reliability so important for business?

  • Customer retention: Satisfied customers are loyal customers. They not only come back themselves but also recommend you to their friends.
  • Increased sales: When customers are confident in the reliability of your services, they are willing to spend more and make purchases more often.
  • Positive brand perception: A reliable business is associated with quality, professionalism, and trust.
  • Reduced costs: Fewer outages mean lower costs for customer support and system recovery.

How does DevOps help build reliable systems?

DevOps is not just a set of tools, it's a philosophy aimed at making software development more efficient and reliable. With DevOps, companies can:

  • Detect and fix problems faster: Automated testing, monitoring, and collaboration tools allow for quick response to any failures.
  • Release updates more frequently: Secure and stable releases provide customers with new features and improvements.
  • Increase developer productivity: Automating routine tasks allows developers to focus on more creative tasks.

In summary: Reliability is not just a desire, it is a necessity for any modern business. And DevOps is the best way to achieve this goal.

Building a Reliable Infrastructure: The DevOps Approach

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high quality. DevOps promotes collaboration between development and operations teams by automating the process of software delivery.

Why DevOps?

  • Automation: DevOps emphasizes automating as many processes as possible, from development to deployment. This reduces human error, speeds up time-to-market, and ensures consistency across environments.
  • Infrastructure as Code: Tools like Terraform allow infrastructure to be defined as code. This enables version control, review of changes, and rollback to previous versions if necessary.
  • Containerization: Kubernetes enables deploying and scaling applications as isolated containers. This provides high availability, scalability, and simplifies management of complex microservices architectures.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Automated CI/CD pipelines help quickly identify and fix bugs, ensuring high code quality.
  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring allows for timely detection of issues and taking corrective actions.

Key Elements of a Reliable Infrastructure

  • Backup: Regular backups allow for system restoration in case of a disaster.
  • High Availability: Data replication and auto-scaling ensure uninterrupted system operation even when individual components fail.
  • Security: Authentication, authorization, and data encryption systems are essential for any reliable infrastructure.
  • Scalability: Infrastructure should be able to scale easily to meet changing demands.

Example: Building a Reliable Web Application with DevOps

  • Development: Application code is written and tested using automated testing tools.
  • Containerization: The application is packaged into a Docker container.
  • Deployment: The container is deployed to a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform configuration files.
  • Monitoring: System health and potential issues are tracked using monitoring tools.
  • Automation: All processes from development to deployment are automated using CI/CD tools.

Conclusion DevOps offers a powerful set of tools for building reliable and scalable infrastructure. Through automation, containerization, and other DevOps practices, companies can ensure high availability of their services, reduce risks, and increase customer satisfaction.

Investing in Uptime: A Smart Business Decision

Calculating ROI Based on Uptime Improvements: A Practical Example

Understanding the Basics

  • Return on Investment (ROI): This metric measures the efficiency of an investment. It's calculated by dividing the net profit by the total cost of the investment.
  • Uptime: This refers to the percentage of time a system or device is operational. For businesses, it's often linked to the availability of their online services or IT infrastructure.

How Uptime Impacts ROI

  • Increased Revenue: More uptime typically leads to higher sales as customers can access products or services consistently.
  • Reduced Costs: Less downtime means fewer expenses on repairs, replacements, and lost productivity.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Consistent service availability can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A Realistic Example

Let's say a small e-commerce business experiences 1 hour of unplanned downtime per week during business hours, costing them $500 in direct costs (repairs, etc.) and an estimated $1,000 in indirect costs (lost sales, customer frustration). The annual cost of this downtime would be:

  • (1 hour/week * $1,500/hour) * 52 weeks = $78,000.

To improve uptime, they invest in a new server for $10,000. They estimate this will increase their annual sales by 1%, from $500,000 to $505,000.

Calculating ROI

  • Net Profit: $505,000 (new revenue) - $500,000 (old revenue) - $10,000 (investment) = $4,000
  • ROI: ($4,000 / $10,000) * 100 = 40%

In this scenario, investing in the new server provides a 40% return on investment.

Key Takeaways

  • Quantify Costs: Accurately measure both direct and indirect costs associated with downtime.
  • Consider Intangibles: Improved customer satisfaction and brand reputation can be valuable, even if they're hard to quantify.
  • Use Realistic Numbers: Based on your industry and business size, adjust the numbers to reflect your specific situation.
  • Evaluate Timeframe: ROI can vary depending on the timeframe considered.

Additional Tips

  • Monitor Uptime: Use tools to track system availability.
  • Analyze Root Causes: Identify the underlying causes of downtime.
  • Consider Business Impact: Assess how downtime affects different parts of your business.

By following these steps and using the appropriate tools, you can make informed decisions about investments in uptime improvements.

Mykola Breslavskyi


Mykola Breslavskyi


I am passionate about technologies. Adore solving challenges of our customers: going under the tech problem and trying to deal with a reason rather than a symptom. I do believe that is why our clients choose Perfsol.

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