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Strapi Migration: Short Guide to Move Your Database Effectively

June 17, 2024


Mykola Breslavskyi


Mykola Breslavskyi



Do you have problems with your CMS efficiency? Does your CMS load slowly, have bad performance, and poor security? Do you want to scale but your current CMS can’t cope with high traffic? Are you aimed at enhancing your users' experiences and making your CMS intuitive and easy to perceive? If yes, here is a highly effective solution for you: opt for Strapi.

What is Strapi migration? How to migrate WordPress to Strapi, avoiding common pitfalls and maximizing benefits? Learn expert tips and tricks from our experience in the article below!

What is Strapi?

But first, here is a brief Strapi overview. Strapi is an outstanding representative of the new era of CMS’s. It’s open-source and stands out from the crowd thanks to ot’s headless nature. It means that in Strapi backend and frontend are separated. In simple terms, the environment where content is stored, maintained, and controlled is independent of the environment where the content is visualized. This way developers are not limited in frontend technologies. They have a lot of possibilities of experimenting with tech combinations preserving centralized content management from Strapi.

Get Qualified Consultation on Strapi

Mykola Breslavskyi

Strapi Expert

Do you have questions about Strapi? Our technical specialists will answer any questions regarding Strapi development or migration.

What are the key features and benefits of Strapi?

Let’s take a look at the list of the main Strapi functionalities that will definitely make you sure that Strapi migration is a great decision for your software:

  • One of the core Strapi specifics are its outstanding API capabilities. Strapi provides a unique opportunity to create your own API using a no-code approach. That’s why you can create and adjust API’s without extra effort and in a short time.
  • Intuitive administrative panel is a great advantage for everyone that works structuring different content types (articles, products, users profiles etc.)
  • Database diversity. Strapi is interoperable with several popular databases (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) which provides better flexibility and ability to choose the most optimal database exactly for your app.
  • You can significantly improve your CMS with specific plugins for features.
  • User’s accesses and roles can be managed effortlessly thanks to special Strapi authentication features.

These and many other Strapi advantages are the reason to start your Strapi migration as soon as possible. We’re more than thrilled to share useful insights to help with this!

Strapi Migration Process Overview

Moving to Strapi CMS can unlock benefits for businesses that want to assert control over their content in a more efficient and extensible manner. Regardless of whether you are migrating from an old system or coming from WordPress, using Strapi helps you to handle your data in an improved manner while at the same time enhancing how your business is operated as well.

Below, we break down the essential phases and considerations in the Strapi migration process to ensure a smooth transition.

Step 1: Planning Your Strapi Migration

A successful Strapi migration starts with a detailed plan. First, analyze the current structure of your database (DB) and content to ensure compatibility with Strapi's architecture. Strapi CMS supports SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. It provides flexibility in how your data is stored. It’s critical to map your existing data to Strapi’s content types during this phase. Determine what data should be migrated and how it fits into Strapi's customizable categories and models.

Sounds complex? It doesn’t have to be. Starting with an audit of your database, you clear out unnecessary data and refine what you need before migration.

Step 2: Data Backup and Preparation

When it comes to database migration, backup is your best friend. Before executing any Strapi DB migration, ensure you have a full backup of your current system. This way, if anything goes awry during the migration, you can easily restore your original database.

Take advantage of the official Strapi documentation for tools and plugins that facilitate the backup process. Plugins like the "Content Export/Import" feature can be a lifesaver, helping you preserve crucial data without compromising the integrity of your system.

Step 3: Executing the Migration

The actual migration process involves exporting your data from the old system and importing it into Strapi. If you're undertaking a WordPress to Strapi migration, several plugins can simplify this by automating the export of media files, content, and metadata. When migrating databases, be mindful of the different DB types and structures. It allows you to customize your content models, so make sure to adjust the settings accordingly for the data to migrate smoothly.

For large projects, consider dividing the migration into phases. This allows you to test each segment, identifying and solving issues before they accumulate into larger problems. Whether you’re handling content or migrating a database, a phased approach helps maintain control over the process and minimizes the risk of significant data loss.

Step 4: Testing and Validation

After each phase of the migration, thorough testing is vital. Make sure your data has been correctly migrated, and that everything from user roles to media files is in place. Strapi CMS allows you to fine-tune your setup, so this is a perfect opportunity to adjust any remaining configurations. For instance, check that your API endpoints are working correctly, your content types are well-structured, and all user permissions are properly aligned.

Sounds tedious? Testing might seem repetitive, but it’s essential to avoid issues later on. Testing each stage will save you time and potential rework in the long run.

Step 5: Post-Migration Customization

Once Strapi migration is complete, it's time to make sure Strapi fits your exact needs. The platform’s flexibility allows you to build workflows that suit your processes, adjust how content is organized, and connect with the tools that matter to your business. Now is also the time to set up your database in a way that follows best practices, ensuring your system runs efficiently and meets your performance targets.

Whether you're working with a small blog or a large-scale e-commerce platform, Strapi’s powerful API makes it easier to grow and scale. You can connect with other services, customize your content types, and manage your data more effectively – this will help you unlock the full potential of Strapi.

Step 6: Training Your Team

Now that the migration is done, it’s important to make sure your team knows how to use the new system. Ensure everyone understands the administrative interface, content structures, and workflows. A well-informed team can use Strapi CMS effectively, reducing operational hiccups and maximizing your return on investment.

Consider preparing internal documentation or scheduling training sessions to familiarize your team with Strapi. This small investment in time will pay off by avoiding future confusion and mistakes.

Strapi Migration Database: Tips and Tricks

Strapi database migration may seem challenging. However, we know the drill and can say for sure that a thoroughly planned and correct approach can help you avoid extensive stress and expensive errors. Based on our extensive experience, we gathered useful insights. So keep in mind the following tips:

Start with thorough planning

We know how important it is for you to speed up all the processes to achieve better time-to-market. It seems logical and natural for entrepreneurs, however, the same thing is the reason for a huge mistake that 90% of business owners make. They want to save time skipping the planning phase. We don’t recommend following their example! Detailed planning is a solid foundation for your Strapi migration.

Start with analyzing your current database structure. What data do you need to move? How can this data be integrated in Strapi categories and algorithms? What approach will be the most time- and cost-efficient for your project? What potential risks can you face? These are the basic questions you need to answer. Before starting your Strapi migration, make sure that your data is clear and relevant, delete all unnecessary information to speed up the process and avoid mistakes and inconsistency.

Always remember: the more detailed your plan will be, the more chances that your Strapi migration will bring you the desirable results.

Don’t forget about backup!

It’s one of the most important risk prevention measures during Strapi database migration. Database backup will prevent you from loss of crucial data in case something went wrong. Investigate official Strapi documentation. There are many different tools and plugins to ensure smooth migration.

Testing, testing, testing

And one more time: testing. Divide your Strapi migration on several stages and identify the milestones at the end of which you’ll test if all the data migrates correctly. It’s much easier to make some necessary changes if you notice mistakes in progress than if you find out that something went wrong checking the final result. Moreover, early error identification will save your time and budget and help avoid serious problems in the next stages.

Adjust Strapi to the needs of your projects

We strongly recommend setting up Strapi for your particular goals and needs after migration. It may take some time, however, you’ll definitely like the result! You can set the most optimal access configuration for you and easily manage them. Moreover, you can fine-tune integration with third-party services and systems and skyrocket the effectiveness of your CMS.

Train your team

To maximize the benefits of your enhanced CMS, you should train your team to work with it. Prepare all the necessary documentation and instructions, set up educational meetings to make sure that everyone in your team understands how to work with Strapi. This will help you avoid misunderstandings and errors.

These are general guidelines that will come in handy for you. And now let’s move on to more precise recommendations you need to take into account if you migrate to Strapi from WordPress.

Migrate Wordpress to Strapi: Essential Steps and Tips

All the tips described in previous subparagraph are relevant for migration from WordPress as well, so we suppose that it’s unnecessary to mention them once again. Let’s focus on other insights that are specific to WordPress.

  • You need to check out if the fields in WordPress coincide with corresponding fields in Strapi. This way you will make sure that the crucial info will not be lost during migration.
  • If you want to save you time, speed up the processes and optimize budget, we strongly recommend using automation for repetitive tasks.
  • To export your media files from WordPress without errors and stress, you can run various plugins.
  • Pay special attention to SEO. Double check if all the URLs and SEO settings in Strapi CMSare correct and correspond with those you had previously in WordPress. It’s of crucial importance if you want to preserve the SEO rankings you achieved.
  • This advice is especially important if your website design is custom. You need to update your code to ensure that the displayed data is picked from Strapi (not from WordPress).
    Hope that you find this information useful and it will help you deal with Strapi migration effortlessly.

    Get Expert Consultation on Strapi

    Mykola Breslavskyi

    Strapi Expert

    Have questions about Strapi? Our technical specialists are ready to provide answers on anything related to Strapi development or migration.

Strapi Migration: Our Story

Once we discovered the benefits and potential of Strapi, we also decided to try out this CMS. Spoiler: we’re more than happy with the results! That’s why without any hesitation we can recommend all businesses to take this step as well. Let’s take a closer look at our Strapi migration experience.

So why did we сhoose Strapi?

  • It’s easy to set up and start working with it. This characteristic was very important for us as we didn’t have the opportunity and resources to spend extra time dealing with complex algorithms and settings
  • We adore this special ability to work with different databases as it enables us to choose the best one for our project
  • It’s extremely flexible, so we can customize different types of content, their connections, use Markdown
  • Customization at all levels provides seamless integration with CRM and marketing tools, better security and efficiency, great opportunities for scalability and better user experience.

Before Strapi migration, we used statically stored data, which didn’t have appropriate flexibility to implement necessary updates quickly. Moreover, our previous CMS didn’t enable simultaneous work of several experts which systematically caused difficulties and inconveniences.

Strapi is easy to customize, so we didn’t face any challenges during Strapi migration. The process was smooth. We divided it on several stages:

  • First, we created a basic configuration, setting up the database
  • Secondly, we defined the main content types (blog publications, pages, products) and their relationships
  • Then we focused on customization of server responses
  • Created complex generic types for content
  • Created content types for pages
  • Filled in the information

As a result, we have convenient, flexible, and scalable CMS that empowers our company on our way to innovative growth and better overall business performance.

Let’s sum up!

Strapi is a real game changer, and many businesses have already taken advantage of it. Hope that this article helped you understand the basic specifics of Strapi and what steps should be taken to migrate to it.

If you need an expert consultation on Strapi migration or are looking for reliable professionals to whom you can delegate your database migration, reach out to us! We have extensive experience and outstanding expertise, so we’ll cover all your migration needs with care about your time and budget. Can’t wait to get started!

Mykola Breslavskyi


Mykola Breslavskyi


I am passionate about technologies. Adore solving challenges of our customers: going under the tech problem and trying to deal with a reason rather than a symptom. I do believe that is why our clients choose Perfsol.

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